Solihull FC supports The FA’s Respect programme to ensure football can be enjoyed in a safe, positive environment at all times during your football development.
“As Players you have a responsibility to represent yourselves, club, coaches and parents in a respectful and positive manner“
Always play for FUN and ENJOYMENT. (Play with a smile on your face!)
Meet and greet your coach and teammates at the beginning of each training session and games, (with a handshake or fist pump)
Make every attempt to play to the best of your ability.
Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities, in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.
Play fairly, do not cheat, complain, use bad language or waste time.
Applaud effort and the attempting of good play by your team mates. DON’T criticise team mates!
Respect your team mates.
Respect the facilities, staff, officials, opposition at our ground and our opponents’ grounds.
Play by the rules, as directed by the referee/coach.
Shake hands with opposition, referee as well as team mates at the end of each game.
Listen and respond to what your coach/team manager tells you.
Talk to someone you trust if you are unhappy have any concerns.
Players should be in bed at a reasonable hour on the night before a game.
Winning is important but taking part and trying your best is much more significant.
Do not criticise the opponents, their parents, coaches or the referee.
Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour.
The committee have introduced a behavior system this season where if there are 2 yellow cards for dissent or 1 red card for violent conduct you will be requested to a meeting with the committee to discuss the behavior. Please note this could have serious consequences with the future of a place at Solihull FC.
Social Media – This should ONLY be used for positive promotion of your team and the club (In-line with FA guidelines) and to communicate practical details around fixtures, training etc. Do not engage negatively in discussions or comments with other teams, players, managers and parents, publicly or within the club membership.
As a registered Respect League, all Solihull team parents and players agree to adhere to the Respect Code of Conduct.